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Dave's Art
About Dave's Art


     Overview:  Dave's Art is a website devoted to providing resources for artists of all levels and styles.  My goal is to provide everything an art site should.  Visitor comments and questions help to make Dave's Art the best it can be.  This is a non-profit site and all resources are free of charge.  In other words, Dave's Art is your #1 art resource!
     Privacy Policy:  Your privacy on Dave's Art is highly respected.  Anything discussed by email or any other method of contact will never be shared with anyone, unless advised to do so.  Please note that the message forum is open to the public and anything you wish to be kept private should be emailed directly to me instead of posting in the forum.  If you feel you cannot enter a field of a form on this site, do not feel pressured to do so.  If you are filling out a form to recieve something by email, you must enter a valid email address in oreder to recieve it.  Your email address and all other personal information will always be kept private.  The links on Dave's Art are tested and safe, although I do advise you to look at their privacy policies if you feel uncomfortable.

Dave's Art Is A Proud Winner Of The Gold Artsy Award